Does Kim Kardashian And Pete Davidson Have A Child? Kim & Pete Will Have A Baby Via Surrogate, Family Lawyer Claims

Following Kim and Pete’s tell-tale ‘signs’, a family lawyer of the Kardashian has revealed they will have a baby via surrogate.

Kim Kardashian and Pete Davidson may be having a baby via surrogate according to a family law expert who suggested that the couple has dropped tell-tale “signs.” 

According to Los Angeles family law expert Goldie Schon, Kim, 41, and Pete, 28, have dropped several clues that lead her to believe that the famous reality star could be expecting a fifth child via surrogate with her new beau. 

An expert suggests the star is likely gearing up for baby number 5
An expert suggests the star is likely gearing up for baby number 5Credit: Instagram

Moreover, the expert suggested since her sister Khloe, 38, is about to welcome a second baby via surrogate and Kourtney, 43, has been vocal about her own fertility journey with Travis Barker, the timing for Kim to have a fifth child couldn’t be better. 

“Pete did this interview and said the biggest thing he wants is to have children. His biggest joy, his dream, his goal in life is to have children,” Goldie said referencing the comedian’s interview with Kevin Hart for his show Hart to Heart.  

“This isn’t the first time he’s said that in an interview, even though now it’s with Kim Kardashian. So now he’s with a woman who’s on the older side of life, who wasn’t going to have another child naturally anyway, but she is definitely hip to have more children and has suggested as much publicly,” Goldie noted. 

During a recent interview with Access Hollywood, the Kardashian sisters played a game with the interviewer who asked which sibling was most likely to have as many kids as the family matriarch, Kris Jenner.  

All the sisters held up paddles with Kourtney’s face, while Kim held up one of herself. 

“Pete just went on TV and said all I want to do is be a father. And then Kim’s suggesting she’s okay to have more children. That tells me it’s already going on. They’re just setting it up. Nobody talks about it unless it’s happening,” Goldie suggested.

Beyond the couple publicly hinting at the prospect of having a baby at some point in the not-so-distant future, the legal expert also noted that the timing in the Kardashian family is perfect for the Hulu star to expand her own brood from four to five. 

“Think about it- Khloe Kardashian is about to have a second baby via surrogate. Kylie just had a baby. You have Kourtney trying to have one, and I guarantee she’ll start on the surrogate journey in a heartbeat herself. They love having babies around the same time.” 

“They’re all just a couple of years apart, the children. The ones that are here already, they’re all just within a couple of years, and some are just days apart. Both Kim and Kourtney are in these second-wind relationships. It would not be surprising if they have a baby at the same time.”

While the legal expert added that Kim’s previous experiences in the world of surrogacy would make a fifth child that much easier to be had for the uber-famous sister.  

Kim Kardashian and Pete Davidson have both inferred they are ready for children
Kim Kardashian and Pete Davidson have both inferred they are ready for children. Credit: Getty


Goldie noted: “This will be pretty similar to what she’s done in the past. They interview people and everyone has confidentiality agreements. They aren’t allowed to speak so you’ll never know who they are, where they are, or anything else. They’ll come up with a contract that Kim pays for everything associated with that birth and, and all the costs associated with it.

“The surrogate person also gets a fee, whatever is negotiated. The general going rate for what used to be for surrogates was like $100,000, $120,000. I can’t imagine what it is for somebody like Kim Kardashian. I’m sure she has a multitude of restrictions to the surrogate of what they aren’t allowed to eat, go do whatever during the pregnancy.” 

Since Kim has gone through the surrogacy process twice now, first with her daughter Chicago, four, and then Psalm, three, Goldie said she would easily be able to pool from her existing group of surrogates and surrogate support people. 

“I’m sure they’ve already interviewed a few, but I have a feeling that with the group of people that Kim has already been introduced to, I don’t think the process would be as long as it would be for somebody other than her.” 

“She probably has a multitude of women that she went through with her past births. The process is probably going to be far quicker this time around. I would not be surprised if she has one by this time next year she has a baby,” Goldie shared.  

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